• What Constitutes Hazardous Materials?: Hazardous materials can include chemicals, biological substances, or other dangerous contaminants in the workplace.
  • Proper Cleaning Procedures:
    • Assess the Situation: Identify the type of hazardous material and follow the proper protocol for cleaning, referencing the material safety data sheet (MSDS).
    • Wear PPE: Always wear the appropriate protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, and respirators.
    • Contain the Spill: Use absorbent materials such as pads or sand to contain the spill and prevent it from spreading.
    • Clean and Disinfect: Use the proper cleaning agents designed for the specific hazard, and disinfect the area thoroughly once the material has been removed.
    • Dispose of Waste Safely: Ensure proper disposal of hazardous waste, following local safety and environmental regulations.